Nestled amidst the Lan of Seven Hills, Ramanagara, is the pristine Kanva reservoir. The man-made lake, formed by the damming of the river, is spread over 776 hectares. It was designed as an irrigation project but as time went by it attracted birds and became a scenic picnic spot. Read: Ramanagara – A Whimsical Land […]
Channapatna – The Toy Land of Karnataka
Channapatna in Ramanagara district is well known for its toys. Know about Channapatna, its history, and the wooden Channapatna toys.
Ramanagara – A Whimsical Land of Movies
Ramanagara, a land where the famous move Sholy is shot, has many tourist attractions. It is a trekker’s paradise. Read on to know more about Ramanagara.