Common Entrance Test, also known as CET, is conducted by the Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) to admit students into first-year undergraduate courses in Engineering, Technology, Homoeopathy, Unani, Naturopathy, Yoga, Architecture and Agricultural courses in Government / University / Private unaided and private aided professional educational institutes of Karnataka. The CET was started in 1984. Every year, more than 1 million students take this exam.
Check out: Students With OCI Cards Are Eligible For State Quota Seats In Karnataka
This common entrance test is only for the students of Karnataka. Students from other states can apply for admission to the various educational institutions through the Management quota seats.
Admission through the CET is a 3 step process. Firstly, all students must take the exam. They can verify their answer sheets against the key answers that are uploaded on the CET website every year. Students will be ranked on the basis of this test result. Once they have been ranked, students are invited for counselling. Finally, students will be admitted as students in colleges based on their ranking and counselling.
Karnataka CET Fee Details
- For general candidates: Rs. 500
- For SC/ST and OBC candidates: Rs. 250
- For Indian candidates from outside Karnataka: Rs 750
- For candidates from outside India: Rs 5,000
Karnataka CET Exam Format
There are 4 main papers in the CET. The Math, Biology, Physics and Chemistry papers each carry 60 marks. In addition, Horanadu and Gadinadu Kannada Candidates must clear a Kannada language test.
Karnataka CET Eligibility
Relaxations have been made to the CET eligibility pass percentage because of the COVID-19 pandemic. For professional courses like Agricultural science, only CET ranking will be considered for counselling and admissions. The PUC mark ill not be taken into account when ranking students.
Following are the other eligibility criterion for the students appearing for the Karnataka CET:
1. For Engineering
- Candidate must pass 10+2 examination from any recognized educational institute
- Students must have Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry/Biotechnology/Biology as optional subjects
- Study of the English language is a must
2. For Medical/Dental
- Candidates must pass 10+2 from recognized boards
- Students must have Biology, Physics and Chemistry
- The English language is also preferable
3. For Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani, Naturopathy & Yoga
- Candidate must pass 10+2 from a recognized board
- Students must have Biology, Physics and Chemistry
- English is also preferable
4. For Architecture
- Students must pass 10+2 from a recognized board
- Students must have Mathematics as a compulsory subject
5. For Agriculture
- Students must pass 10+2 from a recognized board
- Students must have Biology, Physics and Chemistry
How To Apply FOR KCET
For Karnataka Students
Brochure cum application forms are available at schools/colleges located within Karnataka. Aspiring candidates have to first download the bank challan from KEA website by entering their name, date of birth, category, and the name of the bank.
Candidates have to pay the requisite fee in any of the respective bank branches. The bank will retain a copy of the challan and hand over the remaining two copies of the challan to the students. Students have to hand over the challan to the concerned school/college principal to obtain the brochure.
For Non-Karnataka Students
Candidates of Karnataka origin residing outside the state of Karnataka including Horanadu and Gadinadu Kannadigas and wards of Jammu & Kashmir migrants can obtain the Karnataka CET application form through speed post.
Candidates have to send a self-addressed cloth-lined envelope of size 25cm x 30cm along with a demand draft (DD) of Rs 750/- drawn in favor of “The Executive Director, Karnataka Examinations Authority, Bangalore.” The DD should be payable at Bangalore.
The Karnataka candidates residing outside India can get the brochure cum application form by sending a DD of Rs 5,000/- to KEA. The contents of the self-addressed envelope should be written in English or Kannada language only.
The cover in which the DD and self-addressed envelope are sent should be boldly super scribed with the words “REQUEST FOR CET-2014 BROCHURE” and must be sent to the address of Executive Director by speed post only.
Procedure For Filling Up the CET Application Form
Fill out the application form with black ink or blue ink and use a ballpoint pen only.
The application form is to be filled in a proper manner, following all the instructions and without making any strikes or stray marks on the form.
There must be no blank space in the application form; in case of any blank space, mention N/A (not applicable).
Candidates must paste their recent passport-size photographs on the blank space mentioned for the photo and self-attest the photograph (as instructed).
Candidates must put their complete signature on the application form at the specified places and also put their left-hand thumb impression in the specified box.
After filling out the application form candidates must submit the form to the college principal.
Karnataka CET Counselling Process
Candidates must register for KCET counselling after the declaration of results.
KCET Counseling For 2022
KCET counselling will be conducted online for 2022 in September 2022. All students must bring originals/ photocopies of their documents and allotment letters. These will be verified across helpline centres in the state.
Contact details
Executive Director,
Karnataka Examinations Authority,
18th Cross, Sampige Road, Malleswaram,
Bangalore – 580012, Karnataka
Phone: 080 – 23568201, 23568202, 23462599, 23462758, 23461575
Fax: 080 23461576
KCET helpline: +91-11 40360 360
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