The Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) has announced the KCET 2025 registration and examination dates. KCET is an exam for students who wish to get admission in various undergraduate courses like engineering, veterinary science, agriculture, and pharmacy in the colleges of Karnataka. Candidates seeking admission should complete the registration process within the allotted time to be […]
Karnataka CET exam is one of the most sought out entrance exams for engineering and medical students all over India. Read here to know more about CET.
It is usually held in the first week of May.
CET exam doesn't cover admission for the Architecture degree.
Karnataka CET Exam
Common Entrance Test, also known as CET, is conducted by the Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) to admit students into first-year undergraduate courses in Engineering, Technology, Homoeopathy, Unani, Naturopathy, Yoga, Architecture and Agricultural courses in Government / University / Private unaided and private aided professional educational institutes of Karnataka. The CET was started in 1984. Every […]
CET Cutoff Rank For Engineering & Medical Colleges 2014
CET Cutoff ranks of leading engineering and medical colleges for 2014
Now pay CET fees online
You can pay your CET fees online now. Read on to find out more about the e-payment process and important points to consider while paying CET fees online.
CET for Minority in Karnataka
Karnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association ( KRLMPCA) was established primarily to guide the students (belonging to minority group – either language or religion) for admissions in the professional courses like Medical, Dental & Engineering in its member institutions.
Procedure for CET Seat Selection
Following is the list of instructions released by the Common Entrance Test (CET) Cell for students appearing for the engineering seat selection process scheduled to commence from June 27.
CET, ComedK Fee Structure, Seat Sharing Matrix
The seat matrix and fee structure of engineering and medical colleges change every year in Karnataka. Political pressure is a big part of the change which only adds to the misery of uncertainty amongst students.