Instead of sitting for multiple exams, government job aspirants will soon have only a single Common Entrance Test. The move towards an online CET is a part of the government’s approval of creating a National Recruitment Agency and could impact over 2.5 crore people.
The test will be used to screen and shortlist aspirants for Group B and Group C positions in public sector banks and the central government.
What Is The National Recruitment Agency (NRA)?
The NRA will combine the functionalities of over 20 recruitment agencies in the central government. It is an autonomous society that will act under the Societies Act.
The National Recruitment Agency will conduct Tier 1 exams with every district having at least 1 examination center. It is being envisioned as a specialist body that will introduce the best practices and state-of-art technology into the field of recruitment.
By conducting a single CET in place of multiple exams, the NRA will help candidates save on examination fees and lower expenses related to travel, board and lodging and other such expenses.
By building test centers in every district, candidates will also have to travel less for the examination. The government hopes that this will encourage more women candidates.
Common Entrance Test For Government Job Aspirants
Separate CETs will be conducted for matriculate candidates, high secondary candidates and graduate candidates.
These exams will recruit candidates for non-technical posts for the Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs), and the Institute of Banking Service Personnel (IBPS). It will also be open to other agencies in the public and private domains.
The scores are valid for 3 years from the date of the result declaration. There is no limitation on the number of times an individual can take the test as long as he/she is under the age limit.
The best score will be considered as the candidate’s current score. Candidates can register on a common portal and select a test center closest to them.