Koshys Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore is a well-known institute for management studies. It is rated among the top business schools in Karnataka.
Management, MBA colleges in Karnataka is a much sort of destination for students all over India. Read here to know more about MBA degree in Karnataka.
We have profiled Management colleges in Bangalore, Mysore, Mangalore and other cities.
Institute for Technology and Management (ITM), Bangalore
Institute for Technology and Management, Bangalore is a well-known institute for management studies in Karnataka. The business school offers PGDM courses.
Acharya Bangalore B School, Bengaluru
Acharya Bangalore B School, Bangalore is a reputed educational institute. It is rated among the top B-schools in Karnataka. It offers MBA and PGDM courses.
Christ University Institute of Management, Hosur Road, Bengaluru
Christ University Institute of Management, Bangalore is a leading institute. It is rated among the top business schools in Karnataka. It offers MBA courses.
Justice K S Hegde Institute of Management, Udupi
Justice K S Hegde Institute of Management is a reputed B- school in India. The institute is located in Udupi, Karnataka. The institute was established by Nitte Education Trust in 1998. It is named after the visionary and founder, the late Justice K S Hegde. The institute offers a master’s degree in management studies. Affiliations […]
Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management Studies, Harihar, near Davangere
Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management Studies (KIAMS), Harihar, near Davangere, is one of the reputed B-schools of the country. The institute is located in Harihar in the Davanagere district of Karnataka. It is a private business school that was conceived as a training institute and knowledge hub by the Kirloskar Group in 1991. The institute […]
Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences, Bangalore
: Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences (AIMS), Bangalore is a top rated B-school of India. It is ranked among leading business schools in Karnataka.
MS Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore
MS Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore is rated as a top business school of Karnataka. The institute offers postgraduate programme in management.
Indus Business Academy, Bangalore
IBA, Bangalore is considered to be one of the top business schools of Karnataka. The reputed institute offers post graduate programmes in management.
Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development, Mysore
SDMIMD, Mysore is a leading business school of India. It is rated among the top B-schools in Karnataka. It offers post graduate programmes in management.