JSS old age homes or JSS Vruddahashrama has its presence in the cities of both Mysore and Suttur. The old age home is set up with the aim of proving a safe haven and a family like atmosphere for the aged at their later stage in life. The residents get an opportunity to share their joys and sorrows with other people of their age. The aged who are often get the love, care and affection that they need the most at this stage of their life.
The old age home at Mysore was set up in the year of 2000 and at present accommodates 25 inmates with free lodging, boarding and medical care. The old age home at Suttur has 50 inmates.
The JSS old age homes provides elders and senior citizens a place to live with dignity, security and proper medical care.
Both male and female senior citizens who are economically not well off or discarded by the family are provided admissions at JSS Old Age Home.
Donations accepted
JSS Vruddahshrama, Mysore
- 9 Rooms which can accommodate 25 residents
- Neat accommodation
- Library with about 300 volumes
JSS Suttur Home for the Old Age
- Boarding and Lodging Facility
- Library
- 24 hour Broadband Internet connection and cable TV facility
- Beautiful up-coming garden
JSS Vruddahshrama, Mysore
- Medical checkup once in a week
- Balanced diet
- Alternate days visit by a Nurse
- Sports activities are conducted
- Daily hot water bath
JSS Suttur Home for the Old Age
- Nutritious and easily digestible Food
- Regular Bhajan and Dhyan Sessions
- Yoga, Pranayama and Naturopathy care facilities
- Regular Medical checkup by a group of doctors with all specialties
- 24 hour bedside attendants and nurses
- Periodic Satsanghas and Cultural Programs
- Training in preparing garlands out of silk cocoons
- Celebration on all National and other festivals
JSS Vruddahshrama, Mysore
Adichunchanagiri Road, Near Aravinda hospital, Mysore
JSS Suttur Home for the Old Age
Near the banks of Kapila River, Nanjangud Thaluk
JSS Vruddahshrama, Mysore
The Administrative Officer (Development),
JSS Mahavidhyapeetha,
Dr. Shivarathri Rajendra Circle, Mysuru – 570 004.
The Manager,
JSS Circle,
Mysore – 570 023.
JSS Suttur Home for the Old Age, Suttur
JSS Institutions, Suttur
JSS Vruddahshrama, Mysore
Land Line: +91-821-2364283 / 2520092 / 2564139
JSS Suttur Home for the Old Age
Mobile: +91-96866-77284
Website: www.jssonline.org
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