One of the biggest real estate companies in India, Sobha Developers Ltd (SDL) [stock quote] has seen truly astonishing growth since its inception in 1995. The firm was started by Mr. PNC Menon, and from the onset, had a clear goal to set a new benchmark in terms of public perception of excellence in the real estate sector. In the past seventeen years since the company began operations, SDL has completed a whopping 79 projects as well as 209 contractual projects. The total land area covered comes up to a mind-boggling 51.80 Million Square Feet. SDL has its operations in 22 cities and 13 states as of March, 2012.
Estimated to be worth Rs. 15 Billion, SDL has evolved a unique set of competitive advantages that ensure that their position at the head of the pack in the realty business is maintained. As far as the construction and real estate development business in the country is concerned, SDL has the widest backward integration in India. The implies that Sobha Developers Limited has all the resources at hand in-house to develop and realize a project from the first step of deciding upon a concept to the final one of project completion.
SDL has always placed great emphasis on attention to detail and were one of the first companies to win the ISO 9001 certification. Various others such as the ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 certifications have also been obtained by the company as a result of their Environmental, Health and Safety Management System.
Sobha has won many awards for their superiority in quality including ‘India’s Top 10 Builders Award’ by Construction World, ‘CNBC Best Executed Project Award’ (Sobha Malachite), CNBC Best Residential Project with more than 5 lakh sq. ft Award’ ( Sobha Daffodil ) and ‘CIDC Best Building Award’ (Infosys Global Education Center II).
The company has won the trust of the general populace through excellence in execution and among the business community through transparency in working. Whilst SDL is located primarily in India, they have a strong presence in Oman with a footprint in Dubai as well.