Projected Passenger Traffic in million


Destination 2010-11 2014-15 2029-30
Domestic 8.9 13.6 43.3
International 2.2 3.6 12.2
Total 11.1 17.2 55.5



  • Projected annual passenger flow:1.14 crore
  • Passenger average daily flow based on 450 flights per day :1,14,00,000/365 = 31,232.
  • As per data from HAL airport, 75% of passengers are domestic and 25% international.
  • Domestic passengers per day:0.75*31,232 = 23,424. The domestic operation is distributed between 6 am and 10pm. Domestic passengers per hour is 23,424/16 = 1,464.
  • Existing traffic is 16,000 PCUs/hour along 6-lane NH-7(Bangalore-Bellary Road).Additional traffic between 6am and 10pm will be 16,000+1464=17,464 passengers per hour.
  • International passengers:25% of 31,232=7,808 passengers/day, between 10pm and 6am. Average passenger distribution per hour will be 7,808/8=976.
It is estimated that one person will accompany a passenger.Therefore, number of vehicles to be parked is estimated at 1500-2600/hour.

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Raggi Mudde:
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